Deceptive Tactics in the Sicilian Expedition (Mellyssa Miller, 2016)

Abstract: In a quest for timē and a desire to acquire more wealth, Athens enters the Sicilian Expedition, dividing up her resources and starting a war on two fronts. Athens, desiring financial gain, enters the Sicilian Expedition under the guise of helping an ally, Egesta. However, the Athenians quickly learn that Egesta lacks the financial resources…Continue reading Deceptive Tactics in the Sicilian Expedition (Mellyssa Miller, 2016)

Thucydides: General and Historian (Austin Mitchell, 2016)

Abstract: Thucydides was an Athenian general and historian who lived during the time of the Peloponnesian War. His most notable contribution to history was the book the History of the Peloponnesian War. In his book, Thucydides used his own experience as a general during the war and his knowledge of the events of the war to…Continue reading Thucydides: General and Historian (Austin Mitchell, 2016)

Deceit and Espionage in Thucydides (Jordan Butler, 2016)

Abstract: Deception was an aspect of warfare the Greeks had a special relationship with. By the time of the Peloponnesian War, the two greatest wars in their history had been decided by guile, rather than might. Thucydides demonstrates that the lessons taught by the Trojan and Persian Wars were learned by the Greeks of his…Continue reading Deceit and Espionage in Thucydides (Jordan Butler, 2016)